Policy Uncertainty: Percent and Trade Protectionism

policy uncertainty: Exports have strengthened, the bank said Sunday of the significant upgrade in its semiannual Global Economic Prospects report, according to The Japan Times. The pickup in capital spending has been supported by elevated corporate profits as well as preparations for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Growth has picked up in 2017, supported by a recovery in external demand. The world economy is projected to expand 2.7 percent this year, unchanged from the January forecast, but risks to the outlook remain tilted to the downside, the report says, citing increased trade protectionism and elevated economic policy uncertainty in a veiled reference to U.S. President Donald Trump's America First policy. But the planned consumption tax hike to 10 percent from 8 percent is likely to slow the growth rate to 0.6 percent in 2019. Referring to the Japanese economy, which posted estimated growth of 1.0 percent in 2016, the report says the Bank of Japan's accommodative monetary policy and the government's fiscal stimulus measures are likely to propel the economy to expand 1.0 percent again in 2018. (news.financializer.com). As reported in the news.

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