Bamboozle Japanese and Press Freedom

i ve: But he also has not delivered on most of his promises and pledges, and, as I've detailed in previous columns, has been a disaster on transparency, governance, womenomics, hatemongering, immigration, press freedom, nuclear energy and historical issues, according to The Japan Times. For most sentient beings in Japan, Abenomics is a bust. Overall, I give him a D because he has not been a total failure and he shows up for work. There are many good reasons why 83 percent of the public doesn't trust Abe, and even his crack team of spin doctors is finding it harder and harder to bamboozle the Japanese about the empty suit parading as a leader. ; Abe's stealthy revision of the Constitution by reinterpretation adds perspective to Finance Minister Taro Aso's praise for how the Nazis furtively revised theirs in the 1930s. Standing by Defense Minister Tomomi Inada way after it was obvious she had to go and protecting her from Diet scrutiny for her role in a cover-up is also inexcusable. Retaining Aso after two pro-Nazi gaffes most recently giving a shout-out to Adolf Hitler for his good intentions is despicable. ( As reported in the news.

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