Lehman Brothers: Investment and Role Model

lehman brothers: Experts shared their insights in a session titled Can Japan be a Role Model for Global Economic Prosperity and Stability Hiromichi Mizuno, chief investment officer at Government Pension Investment Fund, said the country can show leadership in the field of investment via education on responsible investment, according to The Japan Times. The concept gained traction after the global financial crisis, triggered in 2008 by the fall of Lehman Brothers which exemplified the long-term failure of a capitalism driven by the single-minded pursuit of short-term corporate profits. But at the same time, Japan lags behind other countries in incorporating technological innovations, such as artificial intelligence, into everyday life and financial technology to improve efficiency, they said. ; We want to talk about Japan as a role model not Japan following, not Japan copying but Japan actually and constructively led by the young generation, said Jesper Koll, who heads Wisdom Tree Japan KK, a Tokyo-based exchange-traded fund sponsor, in the opening session of the annual G1 Global Conference organized at Globis University on Sunday. In July, GPIF, the world's largest pension investment fund, started a 1 trillion program called ESG investment, which targets businesses that value three elements environment, social and governance. It's all about sustainability, long-term, inclusiveness and multistakeholder model, Mizuno said. With the pension fund behemoth focusing on these concepts, the GPIF sends a message to other investors that they should seek out socially responsible assets, experts say. (news.financializer.com). As reported in the news.

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