Performance Infrastructure: Hong Kong and Infrastructure

performance infrastructure: Switzerland topped the list overall for the ninth straight year, according to The Japan Times. The United States rose by one spot to No. 2, overtaking No. 3 Singapore. The nation saw its ranking drop for the second consecutive year. ; Although Japan's infrastructure, including railways, was highly rated, the country retreated overall as Hong Kong jumped to No. 6 from No. 9. Japan also showed strong performance infrastructure, rising one spot to No. 4 in the category. Hong Kong topped the list in infrastructure, including its airport, and was also highly rated for its tax system being advantageous for businesses. The country also improved in technological readiness, climbing to No. 15 from No. 19, as well as in its macroeconomic environment, which jumped to No. 93 from No. 104. ( As reported in the news.

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