Official Prognostications: Hour Japan

official prognostications: How so Conventional wisdom suggests demography is destiny, according to The Japan Times. On that basis, Japan's economic fortunes appear to be doomed According to the latest official demographic forecasts, every hour Japan's population is dropping by about 50 people. In fact, I predict Japan will emerge as the only advanced economy that achieves the ultimate goal sought by policymakers a new middle class will rise in Japan over the coming three to five years. As the baby boomer drag accelerates in coming decades, the official prognostications suggests that in about 300 years, fewer than 300 Japanese may be left. Economic growth is not determined by population as such, but by the employment opportunities created for the people by entrepreneurs and their companies. So how can we be bullish about Japan ; Simply put, demographics is little more than arithmetic and not economics. ( As reported in the news.

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