League: League Table and Europe

league: The league table topped by the United States for the first time in a decade found that Europe as a whole was now less competitive than East Asia and the Pacific regions, according to The Guardian. It also warned that the majority of global economies were ill-prepared for rapid advances in technology. The World Economic Forum WEF which runs the annual Davos gathering of business and political leaders, said that the UK had been overtaken by Hong Kong and Japan on its annual ranking of the world's 140 most competitive economies. The WEF assessed the world's biggest economies across almost 100 different indicators, from the quality of infrastructure to life expectancy and the jobs market. While Britain remains the fourth most competitive economy in Europe behind Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands, the WEF suggested that it could slip further behind because Brexit stood to damage its attractiveness to international buyers and sellers of goods and services. The Geneva-based organisation also added several new metrics to its 2018 study, such as workforce diversity, press freedom and how hierarchical the biggest companies are in a particular economy. (news.financializer.com). As reported in the news.

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