Intelligence Agencies: Satellite Images and Middlebury Institute

intelligence agencies: While the base at Yeongjeo-dong has long been known to US intelligence agencies and analysts, researchers at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey told CNN that the images reveal construction on a new facility just seven miles away from the older site that had not been previously publicly identified, according to CNN. Photos New satellite images reveal activity at unidentified North Korean missile base New satellite images obtained exclusively by CNN reveal North Korea has significantly expanded a key long-range missile base located in the mountainous interior of the country. The satellite imagery offers evidence that the Yeongjeo-dong missile base and a nearby, previously unreported site remain active and have been continuously upgraded, underscoring the reality of just how far apart Washington and Pyongyang are on the issue of denuclearization despite five months of sporadic talks. Hide Caption1 of 11Photos New satellite images reveal activity at unidentified North Korean missile base The satellite imagery offers evidence that the Yeongjeo-dong missile base and a nearby site remain active and have been continuously upgraded. A headquarters area is positioned at the mouth of the valley, the images show. Hide Caption2 of 11Photos New satellite images reveal activity at unidentified North Korean missile base The base itself is strung along a narrow valley. ( As reported in the news.

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