Teams: Founding Teams

teams: Once funding is allocated, the divide is even more stark while 85% of deals involve all-male founding teams, they receive 93% of the money invested, according to The Guardian. All-female founding teams receive just 2% and the figures have barely changed in the past five years. Out of 175 large startups included in the survey, just one had a female chief technology officer, only 6% had a female chief executive, and even the roles most often held by women chief marketing officer and chief financial officer were held by men 80% of the time. In 2012 all-male teams received 92% of all the capital invested. Europe's VC venture capital industry is missing out on returns because we are lacking in diversity, Zennstr m said. Niklas Zennstr m, the Swedish billionaire who founded Atomico after selling his previous companies Skype and Kazaa, said the investment community needed to lead the change. ( As reported in the news.

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