Generation Xers: Student Debt and Retirement Savings

generation xers: It found that millennials and generation Xers are delaying both retirement savings and paying off credit card and student debt in order to afford homes, with 78 per cent expecting homes to match or outperform other financial investments over the next five years, according to The Toronto Star. In Toronto, that number rises to 83 per cent.A new study found that young families in Canada are delaying both retirement savings and paying off credit card and student debt in order to afford homes. The study is based on a survey of 1,743 families headed by adults aged 20 to 45. Sean Kilpatrick / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO But the biggest barrier to buying, cited by 33 per cent of families, is the expense of day-to-day living groceries, rent and utilities. Increasingly, it is the essentials in life that are absorbing most of everyone's income, Henderson said. That's a concerning trend, said Sotheby's CEO Brad Henderson. ( As reported in the news.

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