Nrta Notice: Broadcasting Platform and Content Budget

nrta notice: The National Radio and Television Administration NRTA said that starting Friday, web dramas and cartoon makers whose budgets exceed 5 million yuan 737,000 and filmmakers with programs costing over 1 million yuan must register with the administration, including genre, content and budget before production begins, according to a document from the administration's website in Central China's Hunan and Hubei provinces, East China's Zhejiang and northern Beijing Municipality, according to Global Times China. The NRTA notice said that after production, producers need to update their actual investment and expenses, their cast's pay and broadcasting platform. Photo CFP China's media watchdog is requiring web dramas and film producers, whose budgets exceed a certain level, to register, a move industry insiders hope would help curb actors' skyrocketing fees and improve programming. Producers who pass the review will receive a broadcast number to promote their works to advertisers and streaming sites. Each episode of a so-so quality web drama costs about 1 million yuan, he said. Five million yuan is not a large amount and most projects are qualified to register based on this standard, Li Jian pseudonym who works for a studio based in Tongzhou district in Beijing, told the Global Times on Tuesday. ( As reported in the news.

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