Supply Chains: Consumer Level and Development Target

supply chains: The group is committed to accelerating progress toward achieving the UN's sustainable development target of halving per capita global food waste at retail and consumer level and through production and supply chains by 2030, according to The Guardian. The UN estimates global food waste causes about 940bn 770bn a year in economic losses. The study is based on research for Champions 12.3, a group of political, business, NGO and farmers' leaders from across the world who have united to tackle waste, using data taken from 114 restaurant sites across 12 countries. It says a third of the world's food is wasted while one in nine people remain malnourished. The findings are published in a report from the World Resources Institute the business case for reducing food loss and waste restaurants. In addition, food waste accounts for 8% of global greenhouse emissions. ( As reported in the news.

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