Bond Market: Market and Bond

bond market: Integration of investment channels in the inter-bank bond market and the panda bond market will be promoted in an orderly manner, and the regulator will also encourage securities and fund companies to enter the foreign exchange market and support innovation in derivatives, including options products, according to Wang, according to Global Times China. Industry insiders noted that the participation of foreign capital in China's bond and stock market remains lower not just compared to developed countries, but also lower than some emerging countries. We will steadily promote the opening of capital accounts, reform the investment system for qualified foreign institutions, simplify access management, and expand the scope of investment - that is, to reform the QFII and RQFII systems, Wang Chunying, spokeswoman for the State Administration of Foreign Exchange SAFE told a press conference on Thursday. Foreign investors' holding ratio in China's bond market is only 2 percent, while it is 3 percent in the stock market, SAFE data showed. China has made substantial progress in financial opening and integration into the global market in the past few years. The low participation rate showed that there is still room for foreign investors to buy more Chinese financial products and the Chinese bond market and the stock market will become more involved in the international mainstream index after the second quarter of 2019, Wang said. ( As reported in the news.

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