Policy Uncertainty: Percent and Canada Increase

policy uncertainty: The USITC said its model estimates that the USMCA would raise US real GDP by 68.2 billion US dollars, or 0.35 percent, and US employment by 176,000 jobs, or 0.12 percent, according to Global Times China. The deal, the report estimates, will see US exports to Canada increase by 19.1 billion, or 5.9 percent. The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement USMCA was signed on Nov. 30, 2018 by the three nations and still needs to be ratified by the three nations' respective legislatures before going into effect. It is also expected to enable the United States to sell an additional 14.2 billion dollars' worth of goods and services to Mexico, up 6.7 percent compared with the current level. The report said USMCA's provisions that reduce policy uncertainty about digital trade and certain new rules of origin applicable to the automotive sector are elements that would have the most significant effects on the US economy. As far as US imports from its two neighbors are concerned, the report projected that imports from Canada will increase by 19.1 billion dollars, or 4.8 percent, and from Mexico, up 12.4 billion dollars, or 3.8 percent. (news.financializer.com). As reported in the news.

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