Stimulus Resolution: Beto Texas and Deal Resolution

stimulus resolution: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's D., N.Y. Green New Deal resolution, according to MSNBC. The Green New Deal is a 14-page economic stimulus resolution that was released back in February by self-described democratic socialist Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Beto O'Rourke Texas on Tuesday said he backs the Green New Deal because it will spur a scale of sacrifice similar to World War II.O'Rourke, who announced recently he was running for president, spoke to college students at the University of Virginia, where he touted freshman Rep. Ed Markey D., Mass. aiming to fight income inequality and climate change. Ocasio-Cortez's proposed Green New Deal is that it calls to mind another time in this country's past when we faced an existential challenge, O'Rourke said. One of the reasons I like Rep. ( As reported in the news.

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