Immigration: Subject Matter and Immigration Debate

immigration: The characterization that Kushner didn't know the subject matter is wrong on many accounts, the official said, according to CNN. The meeting was the product of weeks of meetings with lawmakers and stakeholders in the immigration debate, and President Donald Trump is expected to unveil the details of the White House immigration plan as early as Thursday, a source familiar with the plan said. I think folks in the room were underwhelmed with the whole plan presented by Kushner and Miller, the official told CNN. A senior administration official pushed back on the criticism of the White House's presentation at the Tuesday GOP Senate briefing in which Kushner and Miller presented ideas under consideration by the White House to reform the nation's legal immigration system. Read More Kushner's immigration plan has skeptics lining up on both sides The senior administration official said Kushner, along with Miller and White House economic adviser Kevin Hassett delivered separate portions of the briefing to represent different viewpoints on the subject. We did it that way so the right wing agreed with the Miller piece, the official said. Kushner approached the immigration issue from the left, Miller from the right, while Hassett offered analysis that would appeal to the business community, the official added. ( As reported in the news.

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