Li Chunding: Markets and Capital

li chunding: On Monday, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange SAFE said that it would continue to support the opening-up of the financial markets, satisfy the growing needs of offshore investors who want to invest in the domestic financial markets, and attract long-term overseas capital to the nation's financial markets, according to Global Times China. Xi Junyang, a professor at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, said that capital outflows usually bring risks, but ushering overseas capital into the Chinese mainland's financial markets would increase liquidity and stabilize the markets. But they said that such twists and turns in trade talks are normal and won't lead to systemic risks in China. Li Chunding, a professor at the College of Economics and Management under the China Agricultural University, also said that as the US has been dissatisfied with China's financial opening-up pace, stressing opening-up would in fact soothe the bilateral conflict. So far this year, the SAFE has approved 4.74 billion in investment quotas for 13 QFIIs, exceeding the total investment quota for all of 2018, the SAFE data showed. In April, the SAFE approved total investment quotas of 4.2 billion for nine Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors QFII and investment quotas of 9.7 billion yuan 1.43 billion for five Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors. ( As reported in the news.

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