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newsletters: Email Sign UpBy signing up you agree to receive email newsletters or alerts from POLITICO. You can unsubscribe at any time, according to MSNBC. Facebook Twitter Email Print POLITICO Playbook How long can Dems hold back on impeachment By JAKE SHERMAN, ANNA PALMER and DANIEL LIPPMAN 05/09/2019 05 58 AM EDTPresented by The White House is doing practically everything it can to taunt Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Sign up for POLITICO Playbook today. Mark Wilson/Getty Images DRIVING THE DAYBREAKING LITTLE ROCKET MAN AP/ South Korea North Korea fires an unidentified projectile North Korea on Thursday fired at least one unidentified projectile from the country's western area, South Korea's military said, the North's second weapons launch in the last five days and a possible warning that nuclear disarmament talks with Washington could be in danger. APA LOT OF PEOPLE LIKE TO PUT A PERCENTAGE on the chance of impeachment, but we think that's silly. The launch comes as U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Stephen Biegun visits South Korea, and hours after the North described its firing of rocket artillery and an apparent short-range ballistic missile on Saturday as a regular and defensive military exercise. ( As reported in the news.

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