Swedish City: Safety Check and Aeroflot Spokeswoman

swedish city: An Aeroflot spokeswoman had no immediate comment, according to The Japan Times. The Baltic news agency BNS reported a Tuesday Superjet flight from Moscow to Riga being delayed by three hours because passengers demanded a different plane after complaints of a burning smell, causing panic. A total of five Aeroflot flights were canceled by early evening, according to the Sheremetyevo airport online schedule, four of which usually use the Sukhoi Superjet. ; These included flights to domestic destinations and the Swedish city of Gothenburg, AFP saw. It departed after a safety check and arrived at its destination, reports said. It bounced on the runway and caught fire, with thick plumes of black smoke billowing into the air. An investigation is ongoing following the accident on Sunday, in which a Superjet-100 bound for the Russian arctic city of Murmansk turned around after being struck by lightning. (news.financializer.com). As reported in the news.

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