Unemployment Rate: Job Gains and Trade Positions

unemployment rate: The job gains were spread across many industries, with employment rising by 32,400 in the category of wholesale and retail trade positions and the construction sector adding 29,200 jobs, according to The Toronto Star. Aaron Lynett / THE CANADIAN PRESS file photo The rush of new jobs far surpassed market forecasts and helped drop the unemployment rate to 5.7 per cent, down from 5.8 per cent in March. The country added 106,500 net jobs in April, the bulk of which were full time, Statistics Canada said in its latest labour force survey. The labour market has seen strong numbers since mid-2016 and has remained a bright spot for an economy that has struggled in other areas. Wow. Economic growth, for instance, almost stalled over the winter. (news.financializer.com). As reported in the news.

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