China Word: Companies Consumers and Election Day

china word: That's on top of concerns over Trump's plans to impose punishing tariffs on goods from China and word from the United Kingdom and Germany that their economies are shrinking, according to The Japan Times. Though a pre-election recession in the U.S. is far from certain, a downturn would be a devastating blow to the president, who has made a strong economy his central argument for a second term. But privately, Trump is growing increasingly worried the economy won't look so good come Election Day. ; The financial markets signaled the possibility of a U.S. recession this week, sending a jolt of anxiety to investors, companies and consumers. Trump advisers fear a weakened economy would hurt him with moderate Republican and independent voters who have been willing to give him a pass on some his incendiary policies and rhetoric. Trump has taken to blaming others for the recession fears, mostly the Federal Reserve, which he is pushing for further interest rate cuts. And White House economic advisers see few options for reversing course should the economy start to slip. ( As reported in the news.

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