Extinction Rebellion: Carbon Budget and Climate Emergency

extinction rebellion: Without action, the industry could account for a quarter of the world's carbon budget by 2050, according to The Guardian. The issue is soaring up the agenda, with models on the catwalk at London fashion week next month set on a collision course with campaigners from Extinction Rebellion who want the event scrapped in the face of the climate emergency. The deal to be concluded in Biarritz at the weekend comes as the global fashion industry faces an unprecedented backlash from young people concerned that it is contributing more to climate change than the aeronautical and shipping industries combined. Growing numbers of young people are turning away from fast fashion towards reuse and resale sites such as Depop in the UK, Thredup and The Real Real in the US and YCloset in China. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Primark, renowned for its cheap, fast fashion, is experimenting with clothing recycling bins at its new store in Birmingham. The secondhand market is expected to overtake fast fashion in the next few years and be 50% bigger than it by 2028, according to a report by market analysts Global Data for Thredup. (news.financializer.com). As reported in the news.

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