Glass Half

half: In the short run, therefore, the agreed sale of the pub and beer business Greene King to the Hong Kong property company CKA looks like good news, according to The Guardian. On closer inspection, it is a classic case of glass half empty, glass half full. Changing consumer habits and the availability of cheap supermarket offers has resulted in boarded-up and demolished boozers all over the country. On the glass half full side, the willingness of CKA to pay a hefty 50% premium on the Greene King share price to grab the company's portfolio of 2,700 pubs, restaurants and hotels suggests that overseas investors are looking through any Brexit disruption and envisage the economy bouncing back. From the glass half empty perspective, CKA is merely the latest in a string of overseas predators taking advantage of the weakness of sterling to pick up UK assets on the cheap. Given that consumer spending has surprised on the upside since the EU referendum, that's a reasonable assumption. ( As reported in the news.

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