Pence: Hong Laws and Commitment China

pence: In fact, we want them to thrive, Pence said during a speech at the Detroit Economic Club, according to CNN. For the United States to make a deal with China, Beijing needs to honor its commitments, beginning with the commitment China made in 1984 to respect the integrity of Hong Kong's laws through the Sino-British joint declaration, Pence said. We don't want China's markets to suffer. As the President said yesterday, it would be much harder for us to make a deal if something violent happens in Hong Kong. The protest movement, which began in June over a now-shelved extradition bill, has since expanded to include calls for greater democracy and government accountability. Aides got Trump to delay tariffs by telling President it could 'ruin Christmas' Pence's stern words come a day after the President pivoted away from an earlier stance of neutrality over what happens to demonstrators in Hong Kong. ( As reported in the news.

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