Relationship: Eye and Leverage

relationship: The US, Buttigieg said, has a lot of different forms of leverage in the relationship, according to CNN. But it's also a fool's errand to think you will be able to get China to change the fundamentals of their economic model by poking them in the eye with some tariffs, he said. CNN's Jake Tapper asked the South Bend, Indiana, mayor on State of the Union in an exclusive interview why he thinks China would strike a trade deal with him if, as president, he were to ease Trump's pressure and end the President's tariffs imposed on Chinese goods. Aides got Trump to delay tariffs by telling President it could 'ruin Christmas' Buttigieg's comments come as fears of a recession in the US grow, with critics of the President's economic policies pointing to Trump's trade war with China as a contributing factor in the potential economic slowdown. Last year, Trump imposed tariffs on about 250 billion in Chinese-made goods, targeting industrial materials and components. Last week, the Trump administration -- in its latest turnaround on trade -- said it would delay new tariffs on Chinese-made consumer goods including cell phones, toys and video game consoles until December 15. ( As reported in the news.

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