Cao Meng: Harvesting Gains and Enterprise Backgrounds

cao meng: The overall atmosphere is very dynamic, Huang told the Global Times, according to Global Times China. Earlier this month, two solid-fueled Kuaizhou-1A rockets were fired into orbit from the same spaceport in northern China with a gap of less than six hours. For both players with state-owned enterprise backgrounds or private-invested, this year means harvesting the gains of past efforts, said Huang Zhicheng, an expert in the space industry. Kuaizhou-1A is a low-cost solid-fuel carrier rocket with high reliability and a short preparation period. Cao Meng, head of marketing at Expace Technology Co, which is subordinate to state-owned CASIC, told the Global Times that the company has basically completed its mission of eight to nine launches planned at the beginning of the year, and it is scheduled to do four to five launches in the first half of next year. The rocket, developed by a company under the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp CASIC is mainly used to launch low-orbit microsatellites. ( As reported in the news.

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