China and Ibis

bird: The species is still endangered, but its revival is a conservation success in China, in which Qiu Guoqiang, an expert on the crested ibis, plays his role in East China's Zhejiang Province, according to Global Times China. The crested ibis is believed to have existed for 60 million years and commonly settled in China, the Korean Peninsula Japan and Russia until the 1960s. Photo Yang Hui/GT China made a miracle in saving and protecting giant pandas from the verge of extinction, and now the miracle is repeated for the crested ibis, which is also known as an auspicious fairy bird or beauty bird in Asian culture. Bird conservationists attribute pesticides, fertilizers, hunting, environmental and ecological reasons for bringing the birds to the brink of extinction. Yet the controversial practice turned out to be a failure, as the birds didn't survive. Since the crested ibis became extinct on the Korean Peninsula and in Russia in the 1970s, the last spotted six crested ibises in Japan were believed to be the last group of the species on earth, and the Japanese government decided to put them in captivity in 1981 for better protection. ( As reported in the news.

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