Christine Lagarde: Eurozone Economy and European Agenda

christine lagarde: Markets have been sanguine about Europe this year, with the Stoxx Europe 600 SXXP, 0.25% up more than 20% so far, according to Market Watch. But this may not last, whenever investors realize how vulnerable the eurozone economy remains to a serious financial shock. They remain divided, reluctant to reform either their own economies or the eurozone's institutions, and the major powers are turning inward, focused more than ever on their own domestic problems. For now the European agenda, Bank of America analysts note, has lots of boxes but no ticks. Her calls, just like her predecessor Mario Draghi's, will fall on deaf ears. Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank, this week will once again call on governments to do their part in fighting economic headwinds with a mixture of structural reforms and investment spending. ( As reported in the news.

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