Columbia University: Philippe Aghion and Policy Debates

columbia university: After completing his PhD at Brown University under Peter Howitt co-author with Philippe Aghion of seminal work in modern growth theory Guzm n obtained a coveted position at Columbia University, where he forged an academic career and became an influential expert on crucial policy debates at the domestic and global level, according to The Guardian. He has testified before the US Congress on Puerto Rico's debt crisis and spoken at the United Nations about the need for a better international system for resolving sovereign debt crises. Mart n Guzm n, with whom I have frequently collaborated in recent years, is among the world's leading experts on sovereign debt and the problems it can cause, making him the right person in the right place at the right time. In recent years he has divided his time between New York and Argentina, where he is a professor of macroeconomics at the University of Buenos Aires. They gambled on a set of policies making, for instance, untimely and unnecessarily large cuts in export taxes, paying off old, defaulted debt to so-called vulture funds with unconscionably high returns, and taking on new high-interest, long-term, dollar-denominated debt, all in the hope that market-friendly signals would lead to a rush of growth-spurring foreign investment. Trump's lack of strategic vision is going to make China great again Nouriel Roubini Read more When the former president Mauricio Macri took office, his economic team openly admitted that while they had inherited many problems, they started with one major advantage a low level of debt. ( As reported in the news.

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