Michigan Chamber: Commerce Executive and Business Organization

michigan chamber: Wayne State Labor Studies Center In 2005, a Michigan Chamber of Commerce executive declared the Wayne State University Labor Studies Center had long been viewed as a wholly owned subsidiary of the UAW and that it was disappointing that an academic institution would allow itself to be so politically manipulated, according to MSNBC. The business organization was filing a campaign finance complaint against Wayne State, alleging that a Labor Studies Center website was engaging in politics by promoting an effort to place a statewide minimum wage hike proposal on the 2006 general election ballot. These centers many of which operate out of publicly funded state schools produce often biased research and promote policies to increase unionization rates. By 2011, little had changed. Similarly, another paragraph on the same page described the aggressive political action in several big cities that had produced progressive economic policies, and pledged that the LSC would help local leaders develop local strategies for building power. Up until then a Wayne State Labor Studies Center web page brazenly promoted the taxpayer-funded university's role in producing a comprehensive guide for activists organizing living wage campaigns. (news.financializer.com). As reported in the news.

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