Money: Kong and Hong

money: Amid ongoing chaos and protests in Hong Kong, some NGOs there have increasingly played a role of accelerating street violence as they fund radical and illegal street protesters and call for donations to those arrested for violence, according to Global Times China. On December 19, Hong Kong police arrested four members of Spark Alliance, an online fundraising platform that raises money to aid illegal protesters, on the charge of money laundering. Photo Cui Meng/ GT Hong Kong police's crackdown on fundraising platforms serving illegal protesters was applauded by Chinese netizens who called for more efforts to cut illicit money flows to rioters. Some rioters vandalized and set fire to the HSBC Mong Kok branch on Christmas Eve after the bank closed Spark Alliance's account in November in adherence to its global standards. Similar organizations including 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund, Justice Defense Fund, and many others have a record of scandal and financial misconduct documented by Hong Kong media. HSBC said Wednesday that it is saddened and disappointed by the acts of vandalism at its branch. ( As reported in the news.

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