Tv Advertisements: Tv Commercials and Kitchen Supplies

tv advertisements: One of the commodities that specially attracted my grandma was a pair of shoes, being advertised as suitable for senior people as they are abrasive and skid resistant, made of breathable material and capable of absorbing shock, according to Global Times China. In the advert, several old men share their experience among themselves and a celebrity widely popular among the old also sings praises of the product. But she has been recently obsessed with TV commercials, with plenty of them including those for healthcare products, clothing, shoes, and even kitchen supplies targeting the aged. Moreover, the amazing shoes are extremely cheap - less than 100 yuan 14 for a pair. Finding TV advertisements untrustworthy, I was afraid that my grandmother had bought a pig in a poke. No wonder my prudent grandma is happy to pay for them. ( As reported in the news.

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