Washington Beijing: African Capitals and Lagos Johannesburg

washington beijing: In Kenya, the news that Huawei was banned from using its license for Google's Android operating system threw users of the brand into panic, many taking to social media to express their fears, according to Global Times China. It was the first time that the China-US trade war made sense to a majority of Kenyans. Photo Xinhua In May 2019, US President Donald Trump issued an executive order, laying the groundwork to block Chinese telecommunications companies such as Huawei from selling equipment in the US. While the move signaled intensification of the trade spat between the world's two largest economies, the implications reverberated beyond Washington and Beijing. The same situation was repeated in a number of African capitals including Lagos and Johannesburg. Huawei, for instance, has been at the heart of technological reforms and modernization of Africa's information technology sector for nearly three decades. While Huawei is in the eye of the storm at the moment, another firm from South Korea, Japan, Finland, Turkey or India having international presence could face the same fate, creating a whirlpool of setbacks that Kenya and other African countries may struggle to overcome for decades. (news.financializer.com). As reported in the news.

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