West Africa: Dan Loeb and Trading Conditions

west africa: Lucky that CEO Alan Jope doesn't have the likes of Dan Loeb's Third Point snapping at him, like Swiss rival Nestl . But channeling the spirit of an activist would help avoid any more misses, according to Global Times China. Jope blames the economic slowdown in south Asia, one of Unilever's largest markets, and trading conditions in west Africa for the miss. The 161 billion maker of Bovril meat paste warned revenue in 2019 will dip below its 3-5 percent target. But neither of these issues are new, making it hard to blame them entirely for the sudden revision to 2019 targets just 14 days before the end of the year. However, Unilever's problems run deeper than temporary slowdowns. And even the revised target has been flattered by temporary factors a change in the way Unilever accounts for hyperinflation added 30 basis points to sales growth in the first half, for example. (news.financializer.com). As reported in the news.

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