delhi beijing: From the Belt and Road initiative to Made in China 2025, Beijing shrewdly incorporated geoeconomic tools of statecraft into its grand strategic thinking, according to The Japan Times. China's coercive economic maneuvering employs trade, investments, technology, internationalizing of currency and even weaponization of resource supply chains toward geopolitical ends. ; Thus, reorienting Japan's economic security strategy constitutes a top priority for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Where does Tokyo stand in crafting an effective economic security strategy New Delhi Beijing has systematically integrated economic and financial instruments into its foreign policy with the objective of advancing its grand strategic ambitions. The objective is primarily to secure cutting edge technologies including next-generation 5G networks; strengthening foreign investment regulations in core industries in 12 strategic sectors; blocking COVID-19 bargain hunters grabbing key businesses; protecting intellectual property and averting forced technology transfers; fortifying self-sufficiency in strategic metals and mineral resource supply; managing China's plans for a digital yuan; and better strategizing developmental aid in the Indo-Pacific. Pre-pandemic, Abe's priority was how to secure Japan's economic interests amid worrying trends of de-globalization, receding trade liberalization, and increasing protectionism. From instituting an economic unit at the National Security Secretariat, conceiving a Japan-U.S. economic security dialogue, and joining forces with other democracies in a Democracy 10 the Group of Seven plus India, Australia and South Korea framework for 5G and the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence Japan's strategic thinking on economic security is manifesting.
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